Image of Planning of Public Charging Infrastructure

Planning of Public Charging Infrastructure

Protoscar (now Swisscharge) supported the prioritization of given locations and the creation of technical specifications for the tendering of AC and DC charging stations in the municipality of Köniz.

Project facts

Municipality of Köniz
Contract Duration

Location Determination and Tender for Public Charging Stations for the Municipality of Köniz

Protoscar supported the municipality of Köniz in defining locations for the electrification of public parking spaces. The municipality planned to equip white, fee-based long-term parking spaces with charging stations. It wanted to make the necessary parking spaces available to private actors through special use concessions (private investment & private operation). After supporting the location selection, Protoscar also assisted Köniz in the tender process and helped define the specifications for the charging stations.

« Based on the analysis by Protoscar, we are further expanding the network of publicly accessible charging stations: two new fast-charging stations have been installed in the municipality.

Adrian Stämpfli

Project Manager Energy, Municipality of Köniz

Procedure and Methodology:

1. Phase: Determination of locations according to coordinated criteria, prioritization, and recommendation of charging station types

2. Phase: Definition of the technical specifications of the charging infrastructure for the tender and compilation of these in a catalog

3. Phase: Workshop for joint discussion of the results of the location definition, evaluation of the proposals for the tender, and definition of the next steps for implementation
